A mystery typing game inspired by "Her story", this is a non-linear with no goals, you just find out information about the event. You must search words to find the logs of an employee at a lab that was mysteriously destroyed. (It's recommended to start with the word science) Go through his logs to find information about his life, then search into more detail about those, there is no winning, there is no losing, and there are no jokes. or are there?

Development log


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i wanna know how much people have uncovered because i have no idea

Two notes for now:

  • The text at the bottom of the screen gets cut off when the screen is full—please fix it so that I can read text as it appears.
  • The text character rate is kind of low for such a writing-heavy game.

Once the two above are fixed, I’d love to come back and try again :)


both done, (fast text in settings)